Divine Assistance and the Akashic Records

Exploring the energetics and blocks of Ask and Receive, the Divine Assistance Triad, and your Temple of Light.

This course explores an innovative approach to working with Divine Assistance.

The Akashic Records are a very specialized and important source of divine assistance. Through the Records are an uncountable number of connections with other forms of Divine Assistance including angels, ascended masters, and many, many more.

In four class sessions, we will explore the energetics of Ask and Receive and the Triad of Divine Assistance approach.

We will learn how to create and interact with a Divine Assistance Triad for any topic or area of concern.

We will explore how expectation, demand, and an inability to receive interfere with the natural ability to interact and connect with Divine Assistance.

Finally, each student will have the tools and knowledge necessary to create a protocol incorporating intentional connection with Divine Assistance within an Akashic Record Reading.

This course has the following four lessons:

Ask & Receive

Within connection with Divine Assistance, the energy path is Ask and Receive.

Beliefs, expectations, and judgments around issues of control, scarcity, and standards interfere with the ability to ask and receive.

You’ll get a chance to investigate your blocks and find pathways of release.

The Divine Assistance Triad

Though we will learn about connecting with specific forms of divine Assistance, we will also go deeper and learn how to work the three aspects of divine assistance: location, method, and being.

Temple of Light

The Temple of Light is a focus of Divine Assistance where connection is powerful. This energetic space has many opportunities and is especially suited to learning to ask and receive.

Divine Assistance Protocol

Taking everything learned in this course, you will be guided to incorporate Divine Assistance into an Akashic Record Reading in a way which supports and uplifts the Agreements with the Records.

What’s Included in this Course:

Divine Assistance Online Classes

This course offered live beginning January 19 has two sections.

Section 1 is Friday, 5pm Central on January 19 & 26, and February 2 & 9.

Section 2 is Saturday, 8am Central on January 20 & 27, and February 3 & 10.

Recordings of all classes will be found in the online course material for those unable to attend in-person.

Reading Material Ebook

Students receive access to an special ebook created exclusively for this course.

This ebook is a free, digital copy, downloadable as PDF, Kindle, or EPUB..

75% Discount on the One-on-One Mentorship

Many students like to have one-on-one time with me to process their personal learning and growth while a student. Frequent sessions can be good for accountability, a confidential ear, or the welcome of a frequent Reading with me. Receive a 75% discount when you add the One-on-One Mentorship to your Akashic Records Intensive.

International Community of Students

I am blessed to have an amazing group of students from around the world. We are all serious about learning and love to laugh and enjoy life.

Free 15-minute Check-ins

Sometimes you just need a little adjustment or have a quick question for me. Schedule a 15-minute check-in and we’ll get you moving.

Life-time Access to Course Material

When you complete four months of the Akashic Records Intensive, all courses you have entered and have done at least 50% of the course remain available to you without limit.

I have been a student of Cheryl for over 2 years.

I am so grateful to have found such an amazing, insightful and inspiring teacher.

Cheryl does not merely teach but, she empowers you to seek the truth for who you are alongside finding, seeking those parts of you, hidden for whatever reason and assist you in the unification of self and releasing the fear of life that has been orchestrated.

I can truly say that I have found Me and I continue to find and see me on the ever changing continuum of existence.

She creates that precious place and feeling of safety to explore the depth of your being, no blame, shame, judgement, or expectations working at your own pace.

Her authentic, open heart gave me the courage to look, see, feel and investigate the deepest parts of me giving me tools and the confidence (even when it is not felt) to look at, recognise and question my fear and resistance to change, challenges and circumstances, and move beyond into believing, feeling and knowing possibilities of Me.

B, United Kingdom


Divine Assistance and the Akashic Records is open to any student who has entered or completed Akashic Records for Other.

This course offered live beginning January 19 has two sections. When you register, you will pick which section you want to attend. Intensive students may sign up for both.

Section 1 is Friday, 5pm Central on January 19 & 26, and February 2 & 9.

Section 2 is Saturday, 8am Central on January 20 & 27, and February 3 & 10.

This course is also available in two formats:

Single Course Purchase

A single course purchase to be completed in four months.

To make a single course purchase, please use the register button below.

Akashic Records Intensive Course

As a no-charge course usually completed in one month for registered Akashic Records Intensive Students with four live classes beginning in January 2024.

If you are already registered in the Akashic Records Intensive, then choose the Intensive Student registration option below.

To join as a registered Akashic Records Intensive Student, please first apply to this intensive:

Divine Assistance and the Akashic Records
Single Course Pricing

I endeavor to offer my courses with a pricing schedule which works no matter where you are located around the world, across all income levels, and without accessibility limitations.

The suggested, standard fee for this course is $299.

You choose the price you pay in a range between $120-$500 in a one time payment or between $50 to $200 in 2 monthly payments — just change the price amount on the checkout page.



or $150 x 2 months



or $188 x 2 months



or $115 x 2 months



or $60 x 2 months