Lesson Thirty: Resitance, Part Two


Resistance is the source of my heart opening to new understanding and awareness.


As your journey in the Akashic Records deepens, your challenge will become resistance.

The best antidote to resistance is the flexibility of Beginner’s Mind.

Let go of the knee-jerk reaction of I Know!!

Embrace the vulnerability of I Learn!

Here, now, always, I am here to learn.

Reading Assignment

The Akashic Records Masterclass, pages 492-497

This is also Open the Akashic Records for Other, Lesson 33

 Question Set

Gather what you need and complete the following questions as directed.

Part I

Think of an issue with which you feel resistance or an unwillingness for closer examination. Ask in your Akashic Records these questions about this issue:

1.        What is the resistance about?

2.        What does this sense of movement or non-movement have for me in this moment?

3.        In the face of this shift, what questions does the wisdom of my body and soul present?

Part II

Arrange a Reading Exchange and ask the same questions again regarding the same issue. Also ask the questions suggested from question 3 above.