Introduction to Soul Energy Dynamics
Trailblazing innovation in understanding the energy mechanics of the Akashic Records: the how and why of the soul’s perspective
Introductory Course for the Akashic Records Intensive
This course explains Cheryl’s unique and innovative approach to the soul energy dynamics of the Akashic Records.
Most will explain the Akashic Records as the container of everything past, present, and future. Often described as a book in a library.
However, I take a very different approach and explain the energetic flow of the Akashic Records from the soul’s point of view and outside of the influence of the physical world and linear time.
When seen from this spiritual energy perspective, the potential of the Akashic Records expands beyond limited physical-world metaphors. A door opens to allow our interaction with this divinely-supported spiritual practice beyond the confines of physical space and time.
As an Akashic Records Intensive student, you will have encountered bits of this course within Akashic Records for You and Akashic Records for Other. Here the focus is entirely on Soul Energy Dynamics and prepares you for advanced Akashic Record Courses.
This introductory course has its own workshop schedule which you join upon registration.
This course has the following twelve lessons:
Circle Diagram
This is where the notion of soul energy dynamics begins. In 45 minutes over 20 years ago, the Akashic Records gave me the download of this knowing. My life changed and yours will too when you take in this powerful perspective.
Three Characteristics of Energy
Everything is energy. All energy has three characteristics: motion, intention, and knowing. This is the beginning of releasing our physical world-bound view of the Akashic Records.
Continuum of Knowing
More than information and facts, the Akashic Records are a source of divine knowing open to those who ask. Knowing exists across a continuum of known, unknown, and unknowable.
Static View & Dynamic View
When viewed with in the linear perspecitve of time and space, the Akashic Records are seen in a limited view. Moving awareness into the infinite and eternal, perspective shifts and expands into the universal mysteries with clarity and promise.
Three Co-Creative Forces
You are here because of the interaction between three forces: physical inheritance, spiritual inheritance, and Universal Life Force.
History of the Akashic Records
The modern history of the Akashic Records begins with Helena Blavatsky. However, there are historical ties which go back to the beginning of written history.
What is Akasha?
A Sanskrit word with various meanings in the religions which use Sanskrit as a holy language. Akasha is source in both the transcendent and within manifested reality.
What is the Book of Life?
Many of the Akashic pioneers used the Book of Life as a metaphor to explain the existence of the Akashic Records. Learn the history and understand both the genius and the limits of this explanation.
Resonance & Vibration
Not everything is explained by high or low vibration. With a dynamic view, resonance steps forward with a deeper, less judgmental understanding of energy flow.
Focus, Concentration, Absorption & Coherence
Documented within many spiritual traditions, there is an energetic progression to connecting with the Akashic Records.
Transformation & Transmutation
What we think of as healing within the Akashic Records is balance. The pivot of healing comes within a shift in structure, transformation, and within a shift in essence, transmutation.
Dispelling Myths & Erroneous Notions
Having dived into the theory of Soul Energy Dynamics, now the various myths and erroneous notions of the Akashic Records can be seen and shifted within this new light.
What’s Included in this Course:
Introduction to Soul Energy Dynamics Workshop Classes
When registering, you will automatically be added to all the classes of this workshop.
Recordings of all classes will be found in the online course material for those unable to attend in-person.
The New Akashic Records
The New Akashic Records was my first book and won the Montaigne Medal for “illuminating and progressing thought.” This book will be our primary source for reading assignments.
Students in this intensive receive a free, digital copy, downloadable as PDF, Kindle, or EPUB..
75% Discount on the One-on-One Mentorship
Many students like to have one-on-one time with me to process their personal learning and growth while a student. Frequent sessions can be good for accountability, a confidential ear, or the welcome of a frequent Reading with me. Receive a 75% discount when you add the One-on-One Mentorship to your Akashic Records Intensive.
International Community of Students
I am blessed to have an amazing group of students from around the world. We are all serious about learning and love to laugh and enjoy life.
Akashic Records Archive
On Substack I provide a huge repository of information to understand, connect, and expand your practice as you explore your path. Akashic Records Intensive students receive a paid subscription at no charge giving you access to everything in the Akashic Records Archive.
Free 15-minute Check-ins
Sometimes you just need a little adjustment or have a quick question for me. Schedule a 15-minute check-in and we’ll get you moving.
Life-time Access to Course Material
When you complete four months of the Akashic Records Intensive, all courses you have entered and have done at least 50% of the course remain available to you without limit.
I have been a student of Cheryl for over 2 years.
I am so grateful to have found such an amazing, insightful and inspiring teacher.
Cheryl does not merely teach but, she empowers you to seek the truth for who you are alongside finding, seeking those parts of you, hidden for whatever reason and assist you in the unification of self and releasing the fear of life that has been orchestrated.
I can truly say that I have found Me and I continue to find and see me on the ever changing continuum of existence.
She creates that precious place and feeling of safety to explore the depth of your being, no blame, shame, judgement, or expectations working at your own pace.
Her authentic, open heart gave me the courage to look, see, feel and investigate the deepest parts of me giving me tools and the confidence (even when it is not felt) to look at, recognise and question my fear and resistance to change, challenges and circumstances, and move beyond into believing, feeling and knowing possibilities of Me.
B, United Kingdom
Introduction to Soul Energy Dynamics is available in two formats:
Single Course Purchase
A single course purchase to be completed in four months.
To make a single course purchase, please use the register button below.
Akashic Records Intensive Course
As a no-charge course usually completed in four months for registered Akashic Records Intensive Students with six live classes in January 2024.
To join as a registered Akashic Records Intensive Student, please first apply to this intensive:
Introduction to Soul Energy Dynamics
Single Course Pricing
I endeavor to offer my courses with a pricing schedule which works no matter where you are located around the world, across all income levels, and without accessibility limitations.
The suggested, standard fee for this course is $499.
You choose the price you pay in a range between $200-$650 in a one time payment or between $50 to $250 in 4 monthly payments — just change the price amount on the checkout page.
or $125 x 4 months
or $150 x 4 months
or $94 x 4 months
or $50 x 4 months